Tag: Meditation

  • Brittle…Break…Through


    I woke up at 3:32, one minute earlier than the more charmed 3:33 that I often awaken to. Despite the fleeting distraction of wishing the clock presented a more favored set of numbers, I was met by the pressing presence of a word ricocheting through my consciousness. Hushed, but urgent, the word “BRITTLE” rang through…

  • Eyes to See

    Eyes to See

    One of the foundational principles of YOU.logy is fostering a mindful presence throughout our day-to-day activities. As much as my early meditation practice provided a glimpse into this capacity, I seldom felt like the skill was neatly traveling with me as I went into the world. In fact, I remember expressing frustration to an early…

  • Rendezvous with the Soul

    Rendezvous with the Soul

    “Art is a spiritual transaction.”  I had owned a gallery and custom frame studio for five years before Julia Cameron’s words tripped into my awareness, but they instantly rang true. Over the years, I had witnessed this wisdom play out repeatedly. Someone would walk into the gallery with no intention to purchase. And rather magically,…