Tag: Beginner’s Mind

  • Lost…in Translation

    Lost…in Translation

    Today, I am not at all embarrassed to say, I am an incredibly inexperienced drinker. My parents’ reprisal carried enough “risk” that I chose to bypass the years when I was young and naïve enough to experiment and make ill-advised decisions with intoxicants. Sure, I engaged in the social initiation of my 21st birthday and…

  • What We Haven’t Been Taught…

    What We Haven’t Been Taught…

    How are your conversational skills? Do you know? How do you feel after most of your conversations with people? Do you feel seen, heard, and understood? Have you walked away with new information about the person you just shared time with? How well did you understand what they were sharing? Do you even recall what…

  • Eyes to See

    Eyes to See

    One of the foundational principles of YOU.logy is fostering a mindful presence throughout our day-to-day activities. As much as my early meditation practice provided a glimpse into this capacity, I seldom felt like the skill was neatly traveling with me as I went into the world. In fact, I remember expressing frustration to an early…