Tag: Art

  • Where I Meet Us

    Where I Meet Us

    Do you know what a mobius strip is? Four months ago, while reading a book written by Parker Palmer, I was introduced to the concept. And while I do not feel qualified to speak about a geometric form discovered by a German mathematician; I recently had an experience that felt like traveling a mobius strip. …

  • Creating…Connections


    My favorite childhood game required several participants and usually began with an excited plea that morphed into a lawyer’s level of skillful persuasion. My zeal for the game was matched by my older sister’s bane. To this day, the start of game play is still linked with two words that sliced the air with their…

  • Rendezvous with the Soul

    Rendezvous with the Soul

    “Art is a spiritual transaction.”  I had owned a gallery and custom frame studio for five years before Julia Cameron’s words tripped into my awareness, but they instantly rang true. Over the years, I had witnessed this wisdom play out repeatedly. Someone would walk into the gallery with no intention to purchase. And rather magically,…