Tag: Appreciation

  • Across the Bridge of Self Reflection

    Across the Bridge of Self Reflection

    One of the most profound gifts of insight I have received in this lifetime came through a 26-year career in picture framing. Day after day, each design session revealed the same truth. A single work of art could be seen and experienced differently based entirely on the colors and textures you surrounded it with. And…

  • (Un)Certain Experiencer

    (Un)Certain Experiencer

    Have you noticed how a lot of technology is being programed with the assumption that its users need to be protected from what they do not know? I have recently benefited from such safeguards while taking on this hair brained idea to start a blog. It is precisely because of these built in precautions that…

  • Sharpening Our Awareness

    Sharpening Our Awareness

    YOU.logy is a practice in four basic skills. The first three, PAYING ATTENTION, CURIOSITY, and LISTENING, are ones we naturally possess as children. The final skill, APPRECIATION, is one I believe we foster with age and experience. While the story you are about to embark on may seem made up of irrelevant, disparate parts; each…