Edited Photo by Houcine Ncib on Unsplash
YOU.logy is…A Clever Play on Words that Literally Means: A Study of YOU.
All Good Studies Start with a: Genuine Interest in the Subject AND A Desire to Better Understand.
All Good Studies Lead to: Greater Knowledge and Appreciation for What Is.
YOU.logy is Also…A Word that Sounds like Eulogy which Literally Means: 1. A Speech that Praises Someone Highly 2. A Study of What is True, Pleasant and of Genuine Goodness.
All Good Eulogies Start With a: Life Review that Focuses on the Goodness of a Person.
All Good Eulogies Lead to: Words of Appreciation for Who the Person Was,
What they Contributed to the World, And Meaningful Moments Shared.
Where We Start our Social Interactions with:
And We End our Social Interactions with:
“Art is a spiritual transaction.” I had owned a gallery and custom frame studio for five years before Julia Cameron’s words tripped into my awareness, but they instantly rang true. Over the years, I had witnessed this wisdom play out repeatedly. Someone would walk into the gallery with no intention to purchase. And rather magically,…
I wish I could tell you a spiritually profound moment spawned my meditation practice. The truth is a very immature response did. I grew up in an extremely religious family who used Biblical verses like weaponry. The stench of hypocrisy quickly gave rise to my disdain for dogma, ritual, and hell-based fear tactics as the…
I suppose we need to talk about the elephant in the room… YOU.logy Why have a name that is naturally associated with death? The answer is both personal and universal. Death arrived as an early teacher in my life, and it has remained a steadfast advisor. In fact, endings in general, have been potent catalysts…