Category: Curiosity

  • Mine to Do…?

    Mine to Do…?

    The Minnesota winter of 2023-24 was one in name only. Persistent grey skies and stubborn tawny shades defined a landscape that would have normally been contoured by nature’s frozen frosting. I am not going to lie; my nervous system enjoyed its seasonal vacation. I had not realized how demanding this season was to my overly…

  • Sharpening Our Awareness

    Sharpening Our Awareness

    YOU.logy is a practice in four basic skills. The first three, PAYING ATTENTION, CURIOSITY, and LISTENING, are ones we naturally possess as children. The final skill, APPRECIATION, is one I believe we foster with age and experience. While the story you are about to embark on may seem made up of irrelevant, disparate parts; each…

  • Intrusive Questions…?

    Intrusive Questions…?

    I was effortlessly ambling in conversation with a circle of friends when a set of words landed in my consciousness that disrupted my ability to stay present and focused. Do you remember in grade school when it was clear two classmates were about to get into a physical scuffle and there was a silent and…