Category: Communication

  • What We Haven’t Been Taught…

    What We Haven’t Been Taught…

    How are your conversational skills? Do you know? How do you feel after most of your conversations with people? Do you feel seen, heard, and understood? Have you walked away with new information about the person you just shared time with? How well did you understand what they were sharing? Do you even recall what…

  • Creating…Connections


    My favorite childhood game required several participants and usually began with an excited plea that morphed into a lawyer’s level of skillful persuasion. My zeal for the game was matched by my older sister’s bane. To this day, the start of game play is still linked with two words that sliced the air with their…

  • What’s Your Conversational Legacy?

    What’s Your Conversational Legacy?

    “Melissa, someone could become enlightened watching a piece of trash roll past them.” These were the provocative words of the guiding teacher at the meditation center where I practice. At the time, his words felt a bit irreverent, but they lingered with me. My fourth-grade teacher was the first to say, “Melissa, you have a…